Sunday, May 11, 2008


Kristen Howlett's children. Linda Dimmick at the Diamond Fork monument.

Dimmick relations

Here are some more of the Dimmick descendants. From left to right; Kari Dey, Maren Dey, Knykir(Nicole) Dey, Ward Dey, Cameron Dey and Jenna Dey.

This was during a visit from Ward, Cameron and Jenna to New Mexico to visit Kari, Knykir and Maren.

The Dewey's

We are the Dewey family. Todd, Kiersten, Rieley, Morgan and Leyton. Right now we are living in Arizona. Our three daughters range in age from 4 1/2 to 3 to 1 1/2. I am Kiersten Dewey, Linda Dimmick's second youngest daughter. Todd and I have been married for 6 years this past March 2008.